Interesting CDXS Put And Call Options For March 2023
Investors in Codexis Inc (Symbol: CDXS) saw new options become available today, for the March 2023 expiration. One of the key data points that goes into the price an option buyer is willing to pay, is the time value, so with 343 days until expiration the newly available contracts represent a potential opportunity for sellers of puts or calls to achieve a higher premium than would be available for the contracts with a closer expiration. At Stock Options Channel, our YieldBoost formula has looked up and down the CDXS options chain for the new March 2023 contracts and identified one put and one call contract of particular interest.
The put contract at the $17.50 strike price has a current bid of $1.50. If an investor was to sell-to-open that put contract, they are committing to purchase the stock at $17.50, but will also collect the premium, putting the cost basis of the shares at $16.00 (before broker commissions). To an investor already interested in purchasing shares of CDXS, that could represent an attractive alternative to paying $19.85/share today.
Because the $17.50 strike represents an approximate 12% discount to the current trading price of the stock (in other words it is out-of-the-money by that percentage), there is also the possibility that the put contract would expire worthless. The current analytical data (including greeks and implied greeks) suggest the current odds of that happening are 70%. Stock Options Channel will track those odds over time to see how they change, publishing a chart of those numbers on our website under the contract detail page for this contract. Should the contract expire worthless, the premium would represent a 8.57% return on the cash commitment, or 9.12% annualized at Stock Options Channel we call this the YieldBoost.
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