Diane Forsythe: Fake porn video nasty and vile ... no-one should be subjected to such treatment
Ms Forsythe confirmed last night that the PSNI are now investigating the attempt to falsely link her to the film after a meeting she held with police officers yesterday.
The News Letter has also learnt that those behind the attempted smear contacted at least one Sunday newspaper last weekend in a bid to persuade them to publish a story based on the video, which originated from the United States.
It is understood the newspaper got suspicious of the anonymous email with the video attached and decided that the allegation was wholly false.
The video, which is accompanied by a stills picture of Ms Forsythe, was circulated across social media as part of a smear operation directed at her using completely fake information.
The DUP candidate said the levels to which some people were prepared to stoop in order to damage her in the election campaign were astonishing.
She said: This is not just about me as a candidate standing for election however. Such vile attacks are launched on many others and I know of teachers and other women across different professions who have faced this too.
No-one should ever be subjected to such treatment. I hope those responsible or who may have shared it never find their mother, wife, sister or daughter subjected to anything remotely similar.
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