FHFA will 'reexamine' role of Federal Home Loan Banks: Thompson
WASHINGTON The director of the Federal Housing Finance Authority said the agency would reexamine the structure and role of the Federal Home Loan Banks in the U.S. housing market, the first possible steps of long-sought reform.
Testifying during an oversight hearing of the House Financial Services Committee, Director Sandra L. Thompson told lawmakers in her opening remarks that the agency would soon begin a formal review of the Federal Home Loan Bank System. The government sponsored enterprises, created in the 1930s, have drawn scrutiny as their core business in the housing market has declined amid historic levels of liquidity in the banking system.
Sandra Thompson, director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, told lawmakers Wednesday that the agency would conduct a broad review of the role and organization of the Federal Home Loan Bank system.
Bloomberg News
As we near the 100th anniversary of [the Federal Home Loan Banks], now is a good time to reexamine their approach to ensure they continue to serve the needs of today and tomorrow, Thompson said. We plan to engage a variety of stakeholders in the coming months as we complete this review and, of course, welcome the input of members of Congress.
In her written testimony, Thompson said the FHFA would conduct a 90-year lookback, as well as a forward-looking analysis of the FHLBank System. She also said the agency would hold public listening sessions throughout the country and examine everything from the FHLBanks membership base, operational efficiency, and effectiveness, to more foundational questions about mission, purpose, and organization.
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