Infosys a Top Ranked SAFE Dividend Stock With 2.2% Yield (INFY)
Infosys Ltd. (Symbol: INFY) has been named to the Dividend Channel ''International S.A.F.E. 10'' list, signifying an international stock with above-average ''DividendRank'' statistics including a strong 2.2% yield, as well as a superb track record of at least five years of dividend growth, according to the most recent ''DividendRank'' report.
According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, Infosys Ltd. is an underlying holding representing 1.63% of the Powershares International Dividend Achievers ETF (PID), which holds $12,500,128 worth of INFY shares.
Infosys Ltd. (Symbol: INFY) made the Dividend Channel International S.A.F.E. 10 list because of these qualities: S. Solid return hefty yield and strong DividendRank characteristics; A. Accelerating amount consistent dividend increases over time; F. Flawless five year history never a missed or lowered dividend; E. Enduring at least a half-decade of dividend payments.
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