2023-10-25 09:01:00

More retirees are finding good reasons to live like the 'Golden Girls.' Here's how to find compatible roommates.

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By Kerri Fivecoat Campbell

This article is reprinted by permission fromNextAvenue.org.

Betty Whites death at the end of last year brought back memories of her role as the kind but dim retiree Rose Nylund on the 1980s sitcom Golden Girls, in which four older women shared a house in Florida.

Women who watched the show as young adults are now at or near retirement age themselves, and many are finding that theyre new Golden Girls, sharing homes because of financial concerns or a desire to fill the social void left by the loss of a partner.


According toSpareRoom, one of the growing niche businesses that help people find rooms, sublets and roommates, the number of people over 50 living with a roommate is growing at twice the rate of any other group, with one in five saying theyre living with a roommate for the first time.

“We know that it helps people achieve financial stability, which is key to health, and it reduces social isolation, which is also key to health.”

Riley Gibson, president of Silvernest

Research by theJoint Center for Housingat Harvard University suggests this trend has been gaining speed since at least 2006. It concluded that a small but growing number of older adults now live with a non-relative roommate.

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