Innovator Launches Model Portfolios
Innovator Capital Management recently launched its new Research & Investment Strategy hub containing model portfolios. The new site was built to provide advisors with a framework on how to construct portfolios with Defined Outcome ETFs. The site also provides market and economic data, and analysis and commentary with a focus on managing risk. Innovators Strategic Defined Outcome ETF Portfolios are designed to target varying levels of risk and return across the risk-reward spectrum. There will be five portfolios to start. This includes a Conservative model, a Balanced Alternative model, an All-World Hedged Equity model, a Controlled Growth model, and an Accelerated Growth. All the portfolios will consist of ETFs from Innovators Defined Outcome ETF lineup. The lineup, which has so far amassed over $8.8 billion in assets under management, includes Buffer ETFs, Accelerated & Stacker ETFs, and Floor ETFs. The Defined Outcome ETF portfolios will be free and rebalanced annually. An advisor can construct portfolios with custom allocations to specific Defined Outcome ETFs and then analyze the custom portfolios return and risk characteristics.
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